Lie with Me by Philippe Besson

No. 20 of 20

JUNE 27 (Read for 7 days)
(Read via Kindle Paperwhite)

by Philippe Besson
Published by Scribner
Translated by Molly Ringwald

I would lie to say that I did not cry in the last few pages of this short novel, because I did. This short novel reminds me of Brokeback Mountain and much more so the essay of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick titled Epistemology of the Closet, because the book is about the closet and its ramifications and how it is ultimately the site of death. The duality, if not the dialectic, between the Outside and the Inside folded in the book in a tense, antagonistic way, creating a rupturing story about a hidden love of two adolescent boys and how time has separated them and brought them back together in the strangest way possible – through a mediator, the son of one of the boys. I would not want to preempt but this story felt like it is crushing your spirit in the last 30 pages. I almost did not stop. Read it! It is short and bittersweet.



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